Hindsgavl Slot smukt beliggende på Hindsgavl Halvøen i Middelfart

Hotels in Middelfart

Photo: Niels Martner

You will find some of Denmark's most beautiful hotels with sea views along Middelfart’s 117 km of coastline. You can choose from a stately home, waterside hotels, a town hotel, a woodland hotel or hotels with central locations near woodland and with a view of the Little Belt.

Hindsgavl Slot smukt beliggende på Hindsgavl Halvøen i Middelfart
Photo: Niels Martner

Hindsgavl Slot

Close to water, nature and town – in the heart of Denmark.


Comwell Kongebrogaarden 

A royal town beside the waters of the Little Belt.

Sixtus Sinatur Hotel & Konference - Middelfart
Photo: Sixtus Sinatur


A magical atmosphere out over Fænøsund in Middelfart.

Smukt hotel midt i Middelfart, tæt på banegaarden
Photo: Hotel Park

Milling Park Hotel

A stone's throw from the railway station in the old hospital building.

Udsigt fra terrassen på Severin - Middelfart
Photo: Severin


Welcome home – to a view of more than just the Little Belt.

Et værelse med dobbeltseng på Comwell Middelfart
Photo: Comwell Middelfart

Comwell Middelfart

Central with views of Middelfart and the two bridges. 

Fjelsted Skov Hotel & Konference
Photo: Fjelsted Skov

Fjelsted Skov

Idyllic green surroundings through three generations, located in the middle of Funen.

Gårdhaven midt i bygningen - HUSET-Middelfart
Photo: HUSET Middelfart

HUSET Middelfart

Midt i skoven med udsigt til Hindsgavl Dyrehave ligger HUSET Middelfart.


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