Bålet er tændt på pladsen ved Søbadet i Middelfart

From shelter to stately home

Photo: Niels Martner

A lovely morning moment

In Middelfart, you can choose to stay at a fine stately home, at one of the town’s eight hotels, in the holiday park, at the motel or in one of our holiday homes, inns or B&Bs. If you are bringing your own “home”, you can stay at our four camp sites, on your boat at one of our nine marinas or with a front row view of the Little Belt at the motorhome camp site. 

If you want to be awakened by nature to the sunrise and the chirping of birds, choose between one of our shelter places, in the treetops under open sky or on your very own island, Fænø Kalv.

Sleep in the open air

Along the coasts of Funen, you will find more than 30 shelter sites with "blue support point” category, seven of which are located along Middelfart’s 117 km of coastline. The shelters are easy to get to from land or water side and have access to campfire pits and other facilities.

Middelfart's modern architect-designed shelters are designed so that you can sleep well-sheltered all year round. If you want to get even closer to the sky, you can have a completely unique overnight stay and experience on the Hindsgavl Peninsula where you can sleep in the treetops.

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