Other species
Shorthorn sculpin and eel
When fishing with seabed tackle, shorthorn sculpin, eel or viviparous eelpout will sometimes bite. Note that minimum lengths apply and that eel and viviparous eelpout are protected species. Put fish back carefully. Even though the shorthorn sculpin is ugly, you should still treat it well. Take care with the dorsal fins. They are not venomous, but cuts can become infected. The tail end of a shorthorn sculpin is good to eat.
Pollack and whiting
Pollack and whiting will often bite on lures or decoys when you are fishing for cod. Pollack is an extremely strong fish on a rod. Present at certain periodsm, especially close to both Lillebælt bridges. If there are many small whiting, you are often best advised to stop fishing at the spot. Small whiting bite on everything and other fish do not get the chance.
In the summer months and in warm, shallow bays and inlets, you can sometimes find grey mullet. You may be able to lure them with a garish green fly or even just a piece of bread on a hook. They are very shy and difficult to outwit. Once on the hook however, they are the ultimate fighters! Try your luck! Mullet tastes great barbecued.
Rainbow trout
Finally, from time to time it is possible to find rainbow trout, which have escaped from hatcheries. You may catch them when fishing for sea trout. They tend to jump more and are faster-moving than sea trout. A 3-4 kg rainbow trout, which has escaped from a hatchery and survived 3-6 months in salt water, will often pull the line off the fly wheel so you end up further down the backline. Enjoy the sport!